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Important Questions

DATABASE & Multimedia File Types                  

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1. What is the difference in DBMS and RDBMS?
2.  What is the difference in Number and Autonumber data types?
3.  Write the difference between Text and memo data types..
4.  What is the use of OLE data type?
5.  What is the difference in PNG and GIF format?
6.  Define following Primary Key, Foreign Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key, tuple, cardinality, degree and relation
7.  Write the difference between Text and memo data types.
8.  Difference between Design View & Datasheet View
9.  Name the following

a)    A data type used for linking to an internet or another location in the database.

b)    A built in set of rules Access uses to make sure that the relationship is valid . it can also

c)    prevent accidental deletion or editing of data.

d)    An attribute which is capable of becoming a primary key.

e)    The view in which we can add, edit and view records in MS-Access.

f)     A data type which can be used to automatically store monetary values with appropriate   sign,  commas and decimals.

g)   A part of the Microsoft Office suite that is used to create and manage databases

10. Study the following-data and answer the questions given below :

Table: Customers

Customer     Cust_No                   Acct_CreateDt                     Amount

Manish           CNR_101                  21/03/2001                            450000

Rahul                         CNR_204                  03/04/2001                            250000

Manpreet       CNR_375                  15/01/2001                            350000

Rajen             CNR_424                  24/06/2001                            650000

Table: Transactions

Trxn_ID         Cust_No                   Trxn_Date                Withdrawal_Amt

 2310201201 CNR_101                  23/10/2012                            14500

 2410201202 CNR_101                  24/10/2012                              1500

 2110201203 CNR_375                  21/10/2012                            12000

 2410201204 CNR_424                  12/10/2012                            16000

i. Name the field, which can act as the primary key for the table Customers and the table Transactions respectively.

ii. Name the field, which can act as the foreign key for the table Transactions.  

iii. What are the Cardinality and Degree of the table Customers ?

11. Mr. RAM has to work on a website, he has to collect the photographs that is in different –different formats, How he will convert the photographs into GIF format?

12. Mr. Preet is finding problem to open a file in PDF format. Which software should be loaded to open the same file.

13. Write the difference between GIF and JPEG image.

14. Write the full form of MPEG.

15. What is the use of Publish Preview ? Write the steps to do so.

16. Give the full forms and a difference between .DAT and a .GIF file with respect to multimedia.

17. Give two differences between AVI and MPEG file formats.

18. Name the extension of the file created when a Flash movie is published using a Macintosh projector.

19. Ms Suhita (topper of the last year) has created a flash movie for launch of a new project. Mr. Sunil Nehra Expert feels that the animation is excellent but is running a little too slow. What should Sunil do to make the animation run faster without designing a new one?

20. What are Video Conferencing and Virtual Reality ?                                                    

21. Differentiate between the .FLA and .SWF file formats of a Flash movie.


download in pdf format  click —->ASPquestions

  1. What do you understand by the term server-side scripting?
  2. Explain the usage of the OPTION EXPLICIT keyword, with an example.
  3. What is sub-routine? What are arguments? Explain with example.
  4. Differentiate between MONTH( ) and MONTHNAME( ) functions.
  5. Give Output of the following statements:

a)      Response.Write(INSTR(LTRIM(“     Web Technology”), “Tech”))

b)      Response.Write(UCASE(RIGHT(“Multimedia”, 5)))

c)       Response.Write(ABS(4 – 10 * 3 ^ 2 ))

d)      Response.Write(UCASE(MID(“Hello There”),7,3))

e)      Response.Write(MONTHNAME(MONTH(“15-2-2012”)))

f)       Response.Write((4+5)MOD(3^2))

g)      Response.Write(LTRIM(LEFT(“####Congratulations”, 7))   (where # denotes a blank space)

h)      Response.Write((3*5 > 4 + 5) AND (2 ^ 3 + 9 \ 2) )

i)        Response.Write(ABS(3 – 11 * 4 ^ 2 ))

 6. Name any two technologies which are equivalent to ASP.

7.  Define variant datatype. Name any two sub-types of the variant datatype.

8.  Explain with an example the difference between the string operator + and &.

9.  Give the usage and syntax of the following in-built functions:

a)      ABS( )           b)      CDate( )      c) CBool   d) Len()   e) MID ( )

10. Mention any two features of ASP.

11. What is the purpose of the HOUR( ) function? Explain with the help of an example.

12. Explain with example the difference between implicit and explicit declaration of variable.

13. Write a command to remove the leading and trailing spaces from a character variable NAME, where NAME = “##Bharat#Narula###” (where # denotes a blank space).

14. How is an ASP file different from a normal HTML file?

15. Underline the errors in the following code and write the corrected script.



<% For A = 1 to 5 %>

<Font Size = <%A%>>

Hello User !!! <BR>




16.  Give the output for the following code segment:


Arr = Array(25,30, 45, 76)

Max = UBound(Arr)

For I =Max to 1 Step -1

Arr(I) = 100 – Arr(I)


For I = 0 to Max

Response.Write(Arr(I) & “<BR>”)



17.  Rewrite the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined.




Sub Proc1(n1, n2)






Result : <% Call Proc1(3) %>


<% Proc1 3, 4 >




18. Give the output for the following code segment:




Txt = “India!”

Max = Len(Txt)

For I = 0 to Max

Ntxt = Left(Txt, I)







19. BSES Ltd is a Company that provides software solutions to their clients. The company wishes to design an ASP coded

web page with the following specifications:

i)        To display the current date and the name of the company on the opening page as displayed

ii)     To display a greeting message “GOOD MORNING” if the user accesses the website between 5 to

12 A.M. and “GOOD EVENING” otherwise

20. Underline the errors in the following code and write the corrected script.


Dim Fname

Fname = Request.Query(“Fname”)

If Fname <>”” Then

Response.Output(“Hello “ Fname “<!<BR>”)

Response.Output(“How are you today?”)



21. Give the output of the following code segment:


Arr = Array(25,14,20,45,25,4,1,31)

Max = Ubound(Arr)

For I = Max to 1 Step -2

Arr(I) = 10* Arr(I)

Response.Write(Arr(I) & “<BR>”)



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